Rajma Red is a favourite North Indian Pulses. Best combined in a Rice-Rajma Platter it has many alternative and pleasing recipes also. Buy Quality Rajma on Mantrimart.com
Shriram Chawal should be your rice pick if you want to keep something more than a basic economic rice in your kitchen for daily consumption. Better variety than HMT Rice.
Be it Shengdana Chutney, Shengdana Chikki (Peanut Chikki) or Sengdana Homemade Recipes. Shengdana Red has a very improtant space in your home kitchen. Order Fine quality Shengdana on Mantrimart.com or Mantri Mart Play Store App
Moong Mogar is a inseperable ingredient in many indian recipes. If you are looking for Authentic Quality mogar you have arrived at the right destination. Mantri Mart Order Now.