Charoli has high fiber content and provides vitamins, for example, vitamin B1, B2 and C as well as niacin. High contents of phosphorus, iron and calcium also.
Composed Mainly or Singada Atta and Bhagar. This mixure is sure to delight you if You have cravings for Farali Pudi, Halva or Bhajiya in you Upas Foods. Order Now on
Rajgira Atta is an Upas Food which is very essential in many upas recipes like Upas Seera, Upas Puri etc. It is an irrepleacable ingredient in many essential Rajgira based recipes. Get Rajgira Atta on Mantri Mart Android App or
Aamkhatai or Keri ka Aam ke Flakes in its purest form. If you like to grind your own purest khatai for your special recipe this product is for you.