Khatti Awal or Awala is Dries Indian Gooseberry. It make as favourite Mukhwas ingredient rich in Vitamin C and also an Ayurvedic ingredient. So your Khatti Mithi Awala is just a few clicks away on Mantri Mart.
Eight Fragrant ingredients come together to make the Spiritually Calming Astagandh an essetial samagri in your daily ritual. Order online on
Aamkhatai or Keri ka Aam ke Flakes in its purest form. If you like to grind your own purest khatai for your special recipe this product is for you.
A Moderately Sized Version of Anjeer at, Fit of Everyday Consumption. Retains many of the Nutraceutical Properties even if soaked in water overnight. Comes in two packing options 250gm and 500gm.